Comments Rating Link
Great buyer, thank you!
- HoorayForSeymour (Seller)
Positive (12/23/24) Bodyline sailor set large 12/23/24
- Agraynel (Seller)
Positive (05/06/24) *BNWT**Full Set* Sailot lolita coat (thin) ivory with beret, 2 brooches and scarf 05/06/24
great buyer, super communicative and understanding. would absolutely recommend and sell to again!
- lisanna.loxer (Seller)
Positive (12/18/23) Malice Mizer Apres Midi CD 12/18/23
Thank you ^^ I really enjoy working with this buyer ^^ great communication, quick feedback ^^
- soubibass (Seller)
Positive (05/17/23) Dress+wrist cuffs, Jellyfish print OP pink 05/17/23
buyer was super polite and paid quickly! nothing but good interactions, im glad you like the headdress!
- lisanna.loxer (Seller)
Positive (04/07/23) Black Taobao Rectangle Headdress 04/07/23
A great transaction, quick and smooth, with a great buyer! Everything went well and good to hear the dress set arrived so speedily!
- blue_meddy (Seller)
Positive (04/04/23) NWOT Offbrand 'Emma/Shirley' Inspired Victorian Dress + Apron Maid Set 04/04/23
Excellent buyer! Very good communication and paid promptly. Thank you again 🖤
- sydieee (Seller)
Positive (04/03/23) Moi meme Moitie Bolo Tie 04/03/23
Prompt payment and replies to messages. I hope you enjoy the blouse
- Shilen (Seller)
Positive (04/23/22) Sailor Angel Collar Blouse 04/23/22
Thank you! I really like to work with this buyer! This buyer has excellent communication, payment completed promptly, and left feedback immediately! I highly recommend any sellers to work with this buyer!!!
- soubibass (Seller)
Positive (03/06/22) Strawberry Stamp Print jsk 03/06/22
Thank you! I really like to work with this buyer! This buyer has excellent communication, payment completed promptly, and left feedback immediately! I highly recommend any sellers to work with this buyer!!!
- soubibass (Seller)
Positive (03/06/22) Super Glittering Jelly Fish Dancing jsk 03/06/22
Thank you again! Great buyer paid quickly 💕
- Wonderww (Seller)
Positive (02/19/22) BABY, THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT / Katie Lunetta coat 02/19/22
Wonderful buyer! Very polite. Responded to messages, and paid, quickly. Very pleasant to work with ^^
- cutiebi (Seller)
Positive (02/18/22) Ozz Oneste Vest 02/18/22