Dolltique tm and its' administrators will not be held responsible for any consequences that result from buying or selling on this site. By using the site, members agree to absolve the administrators of any responsibility, financial or otherwise to any losses resulting from, but not limited to theft, loss, damage, misrepresentation, fraudulent sellers, or unpaying buyers, or any other unwanted outcome. Scamming is strictly prohibited and users who engage in fraudulent activity will be removed.
Items for sale must be items in hand, no presales will be permitted here.
All prices are in US dollars.
Paypal is the method of payment used here at Dolltique tm. Personal cheques, wire transfers and the like are not encouraged or supported by Dolltique tm. Personal paypal payments are not permitted here and the fees must be paid by the seller, not as an added surcharge to the purchaser.
Buyers and sellers are responsible for arranging their own payments and shipping. Dolltique tm does not provide any invoicing or shipping tools.
Members who list an item have the responsibility of describing their item accurately, uploading clear photos of the item and when sold, shipping that item in a timely manner. Sellers are responsible for timely payment for their purchases and won auctions and realize that by bidding or agreeing to purchase, they have entered in to a binding agreement with the seller.
Members with very poor feedback or repeated listing violations may be removed at the discretion of the administrators.
Listings containing violations (ie: items not related to fashion dolls, listings with no photos) will be removed by the administrators. Repeated violations will result in the member being banned from using the site.
Members must use their own photographs in their listings.
Feedback profiles from either Ebay or Etsy are a required part of the sign-up process and Dolltique tm encourages due diligence when engaging in a transaction with another member.
Report problem transactions promptly, leave and check feedback and help keep Dolltique a safe shopping site.
No profanity, harassment or pornographic content will be permitted. Listings in violation will be removed and violators, banned at the discretion of the Dolltique administrators.