Comments Rating Link
Lovely buyer! Paid quickly with no issues and let me know when it arrived safe and sound. Thanks so much!
- carrotcup (Seller)
Positive (12/24/24) Meta Gingham Cherry Ladder Lace JSK - lavender 12/24/24
Lovely buyer! Paid quickly with no issues and let me know when it arrived safe and sound. Thanks so much!
- carrotcup (Seller)
Positive (12/24/24) BtSSB Clockwork Tea Party SK SET - navy 12/24/24
Great buyer! Had excellent communication and quick payment. Thank you again. :)
- Cinnamon Soraka (Seller)
Positive (02/15/24) Soufflé Song Neverland Lolita Wishing Stars JSK II Size L 02/15/24