Comments Rating Link
Great seller! Perfect condition and fast shipping. Would definitely buy from again!!!
- chawpstix (Buyer)
Positive (11/15/22) AP Sunny Smile Bear Ring 11/15/22
thank you so much!! ♥
- Minai (Buyer)
Positive (11/15/22) AP Bunny Icon Ring (Sax) 11/15/22
Shipped quickly and the item was exactly as described. Thank you!
- MinaMinaKawaii (Buyer)
Positive (11/14/22) AP Dream Fantastic Balloon Head Bow (Yellow) 11/14/22
fast payment!
- reithejelly (Seller)
Positive (11/10/22) NEW Sugar Candy Shop pink notebook + pen set Angelic Pretty 11/10/22
Amazing seller, second time purchasing from them ~
- catcy (Buyer)
Positive (11/09/22) AP Milky Cross T-Shirt in Black 11/09/22
Fast shipping
- BunnsBerry (Buyer)
Positive (11/09/22) Sunny Smile Bear Necklace 11/09/22
Fast shipping and easy to communicate with!
- StarKiki (Buyer)
Positive (11/05/22) AP Cinema Doll Ring in Pink (2021) 11/05/22
fast shipping! ty<3
- yukiw (Buyer)
Positive (11/04/22) [NWT] AP Dream Fantastic Balloon OP (Yellow) 11/04/22
Perfect, as described. Would buy from again!
- sarahshrider (Buyer)
Positive (10/29/22) Fancy Paper Dolls Head Bow in Black 10/29/22
Super cute!! Great seller ^^
- bnbeanie (Buyer)
Positive (10/28/22) Fairy Tale Herbarium Ribbon Comb (Lavender) 10/28/22
Great seller!! Came quickly!
- Ayanapikajp (Buyer)
Positive (10/25/22) AP Dreamy Baby Room Half Bonnet (Black) 10/25/22
The item arrived well-packaged and as described, and was shipped in a timely manner. The seller also kindly included a gift, which was a nice surprise! I'm pretty excited to own this cute necklace! Thank you so much for another pleasant transaction :)
- JiraStar (Buyer)
Positive (10/25/22) Bunny Icon Necklace in Pink 10/25/22
Super fast shipping, very nice seller!
- anyajohnston (Buyer)
Positive (10/24/22) Jelly Candy Toys Sun Visor (Black) 10/24/22
Got here quickly & in perfect condition…. Thank you!
- grimmfirefly (Buyer)
Positive (10/23/22) *MILK* Flash clip-on earrings 10/23/22
No problems here. Everything came perfectly, the kc was lovely, would buy again from them
- Niconiko (Buyer)
Positive (10/22/22) Dreamy baby room head bow in Sax (no star brooch) 10/22/22
Seller shipped super quickly and it arrived so fast!!! (^-^*)/ Thanks so much for the dress! it was packaged very nicely
- CreamyLolis (Buyer)
Positive (10/20/22) [NWT] AP Dreamy Baby Room OP (Pink) 10/20/22
Seller was prompt to ship and item arrived as described. Thank you!
- PawsitivelyMewtiful (Buyer)
Positive (10/17/22) Lacy Frill Blouse (2020) 10/17/22
It’s very pretty but I was hoping it would be more of a mint color. To me it looks like true sax. Wonderful seller regardless would do business again.
- owls (Buyer)
Positive (10/13/22) Margaret Lady Blouse 10/13/22
Prompt delivery; item came as described; would do business with seller again; A+
- Lace-Lolita (Buyer)
Positive (10/12/22) Moonlight Ribbon Clip (Black) 10/12/22
Thank youuu 😭💕
- Suuushi (Buyer)
Positive (10/11/22) Cherry Stamp Head Bow (Missing brooch) 10/11/22