Comments Rating Link
Very friendly buyer, quick payment, thank you !
- fruitjelly (Seller)
Positive (06/02/20) Angelic Pretty honey cake(2019) JSK KC set in ivory NWT payment plan ok 06/02/20
Great experience in general, thank you for being one of my first LM sales!
- teaco (Seller)
Positive (05/26/20) Beginner Lolita Set 05/26/20
Great buyer! Fast payment and pleasant communication. Thank you!
- Rainies (Seller)
Positive (04/29/20) Metamorphose Princess Wardrobe ivory JSK 04/29/20
Wonderful buyer, very quick to respond and make payment, reliable, kind and prompt. She was a joy to sell to and Iā€™d love to do sell to her again in the further.
- Kokoro (Seller)
Positive (09/26/19) Gold swan jsk pink set 09/26/19