Comments Rating Link
Great buyer, would definitely sell to again! Glad they match!
- happygoducky (Seller)
Positive (07/20/21) Angelic Pretty Rosette Collection OTK in Wine 07/20/21
Wonderful buyer! Paid right away, and left prompt feedback. Would gladly sell to again, thanks so much!
- ThingsWeNeverDid (Seller)
Positive (07/20/21) *US SHIP INCLUDED* Metamorphose Red Logo Embroidered Tie 07/20/21
Wonderful buyer! Fast payment and great communication. Thx for shopping ^^
- Nielien (Seller)
Positive (07/20/21) Baby the Stars Shine Bright - Amaretto Ribbon JSK 07/20/21
Thanks so much! ♥
- CloverPrincess (Seller)
Positive (07/10/21) Red bow clips - set of 2 with star charm 07/10/21
meltysquirrel has bought from me before and I had another positive experience with this sale! Thanks again.
- azukitan (Seller)
Positive (07/08/21) [FREE US SHIP] Black/purple striped knee socks 07/08/21
Great buyer, quick on communication and paid promptly. Thank you
- alovelyspring (Seller)
Positive (06/30/21) Metamorphose ~ Brick House bag & clips 06/30/21
The buyer was quick with payment and communication!
- sakuurairo (Seller)
Positive (06/24/21) Haenuli Royal Crown Tights in navy (purple) 06/24/21
Excellent buyer and was very easy to work with. Answered my questions promptly.
- ahavens (Seller)
Positive (06/13/21) AP Twinkle Sky JSK + KC 06/13/21
Good buyer, paid quickly. Thanks for your purchase.
- kems (Seller)
Positive (06/11/21) Lumiebre Brilliant Rose Blouse in Brown 06/11/21
Great buyer! Paid quickly and was very friendly! Thank you!
- starlingpng (Seller)
Positive (06/11/21) BTSSB Bunny Ear Fur Cape 06/11/21
Super nice seller with great communication! Thank you so much!
- aphbelgee (Buyer)
Positive (06/08/21) *reserved for aphbelgee* Annie's Breakfast 06/08/21
Perfectly easy transaction!! <3
- Pebbley (Seller)
Positive (04/27/21) Introvert Bunny Pin 04/27/21
Great buyer! Prompt communication and payment :) thank you!
- Pebbley (Seller)
Positive (04/27/21) Bunny and Fox Halloween Pin 04/27/21
⋯◦★♥♡ meltysquirrel paid quickly and was easy to work with! ♡♥★◦⋯
- ClumsyKitty (Seller)
Positive (04/26/21) ★RARE★ Pumpkin Cat - 'Dragon's Treasure' Type I JSK - Black, Large 04/26/21
Thank you, everything was great. Very nice to speak to, paid quickly and I'd love to sell to/buy from you again anytime! :)
- emilyichigo (Seller)
Positive (04/26/21) Metamorphose Flower Dance for Vulnerable Beauty Frill JSK (2019) 04/26/21
Good communication and paid promptly
- ten (Seller)
Positive (04/20/21) Babyssb Ribbon JSK 04/20/21
Wonderful buyer! Thankyou!
- candicebear (Seller)
Positive (04/10/21) Antique Beast Fleece Bat Cape 04/10/21
Wonderful buyer! Thankyou!
- candicebear (Seller)
Positive (04/10/21) AatP Leopard Stole 04/10/21
Excellent buyer fast payment thank you!
- ecaillesdelune (Seller)
Positive (04/09/21) Chiffon Bolero Black or Ivory Size XL 04/09/21
Thank you for an easy transaction~
- starstarfairy (Seller)
Positive (04/04/21) Little Dipper Sleeping Stars Blouse in Ivory 04/04/21