Comments Rating Link
Great buyer, easy to work with. Would sell to again :)
- Kimixmeow (Seller)
Positive (03/02/22) Merry Bunny Tights in Blue 03/02/22
Fast payment & easy transaction. Great buyer
- plutodarts (Seller)
Positive (03/01/22) Angelic Pretty Wonder Memories Tights 03/01/22
Fantastic buyer, prompt with communication and payment. Would certainly sell to again!
- koru (Seller)
Positive (02/12/22) AP Magical Bunny Fur Cape in Black 02/12/22
Thanks so much!
- roundmidnite (Seller)
Positive (02/06/22) Glitter Snow OTK’s (2008) 02/06/22
great buyer. paid fast and was patient with my shipping time
- jackthechipoo (Seller)
Positive (01/31/22) [URGENT need money for dog's eye surgery]BABY Bambi de la forêt JSK I, BABY hair bow 01/31/22
Always a great buyer!
- reithejelly (Seller)
Positive (01/29/22) Metamorphose Frill pannier black petticoat 01/29/22
very sweet and prompt buyer with great communication! thanks so much, hope the coord you were planning with the shirt turns out great. :D
- miz (Seller)
Positive (01/29/22) Bodyline L474 size 4L (missing items) 01/29/22
Good buyer!
- KittyK8860 (Seller)
Positive (01/22/22) Angelic Pretty Astro Regimen Frill JSK 01/22/22
Quick to respond, paid promptly and left feedback. Excellent buyer. Thankyou for such a pleasant transaction!
- pepperminttea (Seller)
Positive (01/21/22) Metamorphoa dark knight guardian set green 01/21/22
Prompt payment, thank you and enjoy!
- nerdibird (Seller)
Positive (01/19/22) Angelic Pretty Loyal Rosette JSK in Brown 01/19/22
Great buyer, would definitely work with again!
- CaffeinatedCameron (Seller)
Positive (01/16/22) Little Briar Rose Tights 01/16/22
Excellent buyer, thank you again for another great transaction. I hope you enjoy!
- byoku (Seller)
Positive (01/13/22) Edit AP ~ Lovely Bunny JSK + KC ~ Red x White ~ Plus Size Friendly 01/13/22
Great buyer to work with :)
- aestheticmachine (Seller)
Positive (01/11/22) Meta Black Torchon Lace Wristcuffs 01/11/22
Excellent buyer! Fast payment and very communicative. Thank you!
- bebeoctopus (Seller)
Positive (01/09/22) Angelic Pretty Bear’s Chocolaterie Café Ring - NWT 01/09/22
Buyer was a pleasure to deal with. Good communication and smooth transaction. Thank you!
- ForestStef (Seller)
Positive (01/09/22) NWT Metamorphose Memories Garden Ribbon JSK 01/09/22
fast payment and excellent seller!
- pistolhaute (Seller)
Positive (01/05/22) Angelic Pretty Holy Lantern OTK's in Wine 01/05/22
fast payment and excellent seller!
- pistolhaute (Seller)
Positive (01/05/22) Angelic Pretty Holy Lantern OTK's in Ivory 01/05/22
Great buyer! A++
- reithejelly (Seller)
Positive (12/04/21) Innocent World brown half bonnet headdress roses 12/04/21
Thank you! :)
- Thekristin (Seller)
Positive (11/09/21) Baby the stars shine bright alice in wonderland ribbon beret 11/09/21
Smooth transaction! Great communication, quick response and left feedback after item has been received. Thank you and enjoy! <3
- Sweetxcharm (Seller)
Positive (11/05/21) Angelic Pretty Chocolate Logo Ribbon OTKs - Black 11/05/21