Comments Rating Link
Great seller, thanks!
- cyberidolmink (Buyer)
Positive (12/30/23) milk wooly tartan skirt with built in petticoat 12/30/23
Dress came quickly and in perfect condition! Great seller, thank you!
- threewiishes (Buyer)
Positive (12/29/23) AP NWT *MTO* milky planet yellow jsk 12/29/23
Thanks for a wonderful transaction. I hope you enjoy!
- Ophidia (Seller)
Positive (12/26/23) Antique beasT chiffon cape bolero 12/26/23
Item is as described and arrived quickly! Thank you!
- soft_doll (Buyer)
Positive (12/25/23) dreamy pebble oldschool heart clip 12/25/23
I love this print and am so excited to have this finally!
- Brebre (Buyer)
Positive (12/21/23) Kumya's Floating Sky Tea Party OP 12/21/23
There was miscommunication between the seller and I so the sale did not go through, but still friendly and kind :)
- strawberry_lemon (Buyer)
Positive (12/20/23) Sailor moon q-pot keychain/charm 12/20/23
Such an amazing seller! This is one of my dream dresses and I was so excited to get it and the seller helped me with anything, incuding providing measurments. The seller is so kind in general^^
- Keren (Buyer)
Positive (11/29/23) MerryGoRound magical dress up set skirt bustier 11/29/23
Very nice seller! Great at communicating and was very cooperative with me when it came to shipping issues on my end!
- gab_silvs (Buyer)
Positive (11/28/23) AATP black blouse 11/28/23
The item arrived with a stain that wasn’t described in the description but the seller explained that it was overlooked and proceeded to handle the return professionally and quickly, which I greatly appreciate. With preowned clothing I understand that this can happen and I am thankful that the seller took my concern seriously and rectified the situation. Thank you so much!
- matsuki (Buyer)
Positive (11/13/23) AP Fantastic dolly skirt pink 11/13/23
Shipped quickly and In good condition!
- setsukirin (Buyer)
Positive (11/10/23) Btssb bunny milk and snow strawberry skirt 11/10/23
Item was exactly as described. I love it, thank you. Quick shipping as well.
- StrawbunnyPunch (Buyer)
Positive (11/04/23) Angelic pretty summer blouse (missing buttons) 11/04/23
Great seller. Sent the package really fast! Would totally buy from them again in the future :)
- Indulekhadevi (Buyer)
Positive (11/01/23) Milk pink candy heart cardigan 11/01/23
would buy from seller again
- amytasukada (Buyer)
Positive (10/30/23) Excentrique vampire skirt 10/30/23
Thank you ! Very nice seller, answered my questions nicely and shipped very fast! I love my new cardigan
- HappyLittleImp (Buyer)
Positive (10/23/23) Putumayo velour cardigan cream 10/23/23
Lovely buyer, no problems
- la.bohemem (Seller)
Positive (10/09/23) Gobelin Print Underbust JSK 10/09/23
Shipped immediately and arrived in excellent condition. Would buy from this seller again! Thanks so much!
- Eggsando (Buyer)
Positive (10/03/23) Angelic pretty dream sky 2013 lavender jsk set with headbow 10/03/23
Shipped quickly and came as described. Thanks so much!
- mayab322 (Buyer)
Positive (10/02/23) Angelic pretty fancy shooting star necklace pink minor damages 10/02/23
Item as described, good communication, shipped in a timely manner, thank you so much
- Gabi.Lior (Buyer)
Positive (10/02/23) AP oldschool detachable sleeves blouse 10/02/23
Fast shipping! I love it!
- meteorie (Buyer)
Positive (09/27/23) Metamorphose strawberry print frill skirt black 09/27/23
Thank you! ^^
- nxehi (Seller)
Positive (09/26/23) Excentrique Vampire Skirt (2016) 09/26/23