Comments Rating Link
Seller had great communication and let me know when the item was being shipped out/delivery day/tracking number. The dress is in perfect condition and the headbow/cute stickers/note were very nice! Would definitely buy from again, thank you so much!
- mu49 (Buyer)
Positive (07/13/21) BTSSB Early Summer Strawberry Parfait Yoke 07/13/21
Great buyer, super sweet and understanding when there was a small mishap! Paid quickly and let me know when item arrived! <3
- Sonarah (Seller)
Positive (04/03/21) Honey Cake MTO JSK ONLY 04/03/21
i absolutely **LOVE** this color in person :D thank you so much!!!
- Minai (Buyer)
Positive (03/09/21) OFFBRAND Sweet OTKS NWOT 03/09/21
thank you!
- twinklejewelparty (Seller)
Positive (01/14/21) Bodyline Black Wrist Cuffs 01/14/21
Great buyer! Paid quickly and a smooth transaction. Thank you for everything :)
- SecretAlice (Seller)
Positive (10/11/20) Angelic Pretty Victorian Waltz JSK in Red 10/11/20
This buyer responds very fast and paid in a timely manner. It was great and easy to communicate with her/him/them. I definitely recommend people doing business with her/him/them. Thanks for supporting Night Whisper.
- NightWhisper (Seller)
Positive (04/26/20) Wine skull in cage reserved 04/26/20
Excellent buyer! Highly recommend Came to an agreement on a price after the initial offer was a little low. Paid promptly even though I said I was okay with waiting a bit Enjoy your new dress! (: I hope it will bring some joy in this time of self isolation.
- luna-chan (Seller)
Positive (03/21/20) Innocent world Merry Go Round jsk in brown 03/21/20
Thanks for purchasing! Glad it arrived safely :)
- misceleniious (Seller)
Positive (02/23/20) BTSSB Bird Cage Umbrella Ivory 02/23/20
Fantastic buyer, great communication and paid quickly. Thank you!!!
- Airyu (Seller)
Positive (10/20/19) Cream Cookie Collection Wrist Cufss 10/20/19
Shipped very fast and was well packaged. Friendly and good communicator. (:
- Mint-Hime (Buyer)
Positive (10/17/19) Summer Maidens JSK + HEADPIECE (CUSTOM SIZE) (Trades ok!) 10/17/19
Very nice buyer, easy to work with, clear communication, and pays quickly.
- cherry_sp (Seller)
Positive (07/05/19) RESERVED for Tprinces: FanPlusFriend White Chiffon Lover OP Size Lady 90 (XL) NWT 07/05/19
The buyer's communication was clear and friendly, and the invoice was paid quickly. The buyer decided to return the dress, did so quickly and professionally, and I received it in the same condition it was in when I sent it out. Lovely to work with. Thank you.
- cherry_sp (Seller)
Positive (06/24/19) Innocent World Sax Blue Cherry Cat JSK NWT with Damage 06/24/19
lovely seller, the shoes arrived safely and look just as described! thank you so much!
- amphsy (Buyer)
Positive (06/18/19) AatP Clock Strappy Shoes -- black 06/18/19
Wonderful buyer! Thank you!
- ParrotGirl (Seller)
Positive (05/28/19) Angelic pretty Sweet Cream House Special JSK Set mint 05/28/19
- Night_09 (Buyer)
Positive (05/19/19) Voodoo Purse DAMAGE 05/19/19
Great communication and packaging!
- mothra (Buyer)
Positive (04/21/19) Pastel Star Accessory set 04/21/19
Thank you for your quick payment, and a pleasant transaction.
- cherry_sp (Seller)
Positive (03/17/19) Bodyline Black Gothic Cross 2-Piece JSK Size L NWT 03/17/19
Great Buyer! Great communication.
- aceywacey (Seller)
Positive (02/13/19) Automatic Honey My Lover's Eye Ring in Wine/ Red 02/13/19
Good communication, accepted a payment plan paid the invoice on time, great buyer overall, thanks again!
- kadachi9 (Seller)
Positive (02/04/19) Innocent World Rose and Playing Cards Ladder JSK in Burgundy 02/04/19
Smooth transaction. Thanks again!
- GodivaSyndrome (Buyer)
Positive (02/03/19) AatP Rey Meles Coat in Black 02/03/19