Comments Rating Link
Great buyer!
- kiwiringrose (Seller)
Positive (05/03/21) Meta Swan Lace Frill Mini 05/03/21
Awesome, friendly buyer! Would always be happy to do business with you again! ^^
- MirrorMannequin (Seller)
Positive (04/25/21) *reserved!* Bodyline Shirring Blouse Beige 04/25/21
Good communication and quick shipping!
- happy_data (Buyer)
Positive (03/20/21) Aatp Wendy op trade or sell 03/20/21
Buyer had personal emergency and messaged me a couple days before listing ended letting me know they would not be able to purchase the item if they had the winning bid.
- Shilen (Seller)
Neutral (03/10/21) IW Trump Alice JSK 03/10/21