Comments Rating Link
Came really quickly, would buy from this seller again!
- astasuprema (Buyer)
Positive (12/31/21) BTSSB Black Satin Headbow 12/31/21
Prompt payment and quick replies to messages. Perfect transaction. Thank you very much for your purchase.
- Heiwa (Seller)
Positive (12/08/21) Sheglit Dunkelheit jsk 12/08/21
Great buyer with no issues whatsoever! Prompt communication and payment and super sweet!
- lislia423 (Seller)
Positive (11/09/21) Sheglit sacred cape OP 11/09/21
Great buyer, thank you!
- Pancewearer (Seller)
Positive (06/28/21) RESERVED 06/28/21
Good communication, fast payment, everything went well with this transaction. Thanks :)
- Misaki (Seller)
Positive (05/05/21) MmM Altar OTK black x grey 05/05/21